Aroma of freshness as if you came out of the bathroom.
Choose the size of bottle that suits you!
Combine your favorite enhanced perfume with body moisturizers (body lotion, body butters), oils and the aroma of your car!
Only at Hilia kai Ena Aromata!
Perfume is a mixture of substances that has a pleasant smell. It consists of aromatic substances, along with stabilizers and solvents, usually alcohols.
Ancient texts and archeological excavations show that perfumes have been used since antiquity. These fragrances came from essential oils, balms and other natural substances. The development of modern perfumery began in the 19th century, with the development of synthetic fragrances such as coumarin and vanillin.
Did you know that most people can and do distinguish over 10,000 different scents? And do we remember a smell with 65% accuracy after a whole year?
This is why perfume can evoke strong emotions.
And for this reason we insist on our slogan “ Your Perfume … Your Identity!”